Best Business Ideas to Start in Pakistan

Business Ideas

1. Mobile Accessories Shop:

Business Ideas

You can also hire people as salespeople to sell your products. You don’t need any special knowledge to start a car dealership business as you are the best company in Pakistan.If you buy accessories such as cases and phones, chargers, protectors, and cables at a higher price and sell them at two or three times the price, you will make better profits.

Can you find anyone who doesn’t use a cell phone these days? It will be difficult to find it. One in every two people has a mobile phone. It has taken over the internet age and become an indispensable part of life. Every mobile phone needs a case and a phone.

That’s why people visit mobile clothing stores to buy these prescription products. If we compare properly, even a basic phone can cost you between Rs 300 to Rs 450. It will show you that this can be one of the first business ideas in Pakistan.

2. General Store:

Business Ideas

As part of our daily routine, we went to the corner store to buy necessary items. This corner store is called a general store. Everything related to daily life is available here. However, it is not an easy task and requires your full attention and time. All necessary items such as soap, shampoo, rice, oil, sugar, flour and milk should be in stock. If you have a good relationship with the people in your store, it can be an extra point for your business to be more successful.

Business Ideas

It becomes one of the best business ideas in Pakistan. This is because of the good return on investment. For example, you bought a carton of milk from a supermarket for 500 euros. You can sell this to your store for two prices. If you are someone who can invest money and spare time in this business, the reward is in your hands. No experience needed but yes! It needs your attention. When people start to love things, your 
business is on the verge of success.

3. Car Rental Business:

Business Ideas

One of the first business ideas in Pakistan is the car rental industry. It is a profitable business but expensive to set up. Many people in Pakistan buy used cars because buying a new car is very expensive and some people rent cars when they need them. They can’t even afford a second car. So they give half of the money to the car owner.


But the thing is, to buy a rental car, you need to buy a car. To make a little easier on your wallet, you can buy and maintain a used car. To maintain it, you need to hire professional mechanics and car washers to service your cars. A clean and comfortable car is always the first option to rent. Many people rent a car for their weddings or when going on a trip. So it is a good company in Pakistan but its setup costs are high. At first, you may think that it is not that important but trust me, this is a job that will never make you lose.

4. Rental Properties

Rental income from real estate is another good way to earn a passport in Pakistan. By investing in rental properties, you can earn income from tenants and benefit from increases in the value of your home. However, this is different from real estate trading. We’ll cover this in the ROI section below. 

This allows you to buy and rent a house or a fully-built home. Minus the rent, all you have to do is rent. 

Commercial real estate in Pakistan is known to have high rental returns, but residential rental returns in Pakistan are very low. 

Before choosing this option as a source of investment income in Pakistan, you should be aware of a few things: 
  1. Real estate transactions in Pakistan are known to have dirty operators. Therefore, be sure to check the original documents and government permits of the property you will purchase. 
  2. Real estate investors offer high returns to their investors before starting a project. Be sure to check current returns around the project you’re interested in. 
  3. Real estate is known for its late construction period, so it is better to purchase fully constructed units rather than enter the booking phase for rental production. 
  4. Avoid good projects. The best and most powerful rental products are produced in unknown and ancient locations.

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