Google SERP Language Translation: Reaching Everyone in World

Google has updated its documentation to announce the inclusion of eight more languages ​​in translated results. This development enables automatic translation into local languages, expanding the global reach of publishers.

Changing the Google logo in Google Search automatically changes the title and meta description according to the user’s language. This feature makes websites published in one language accessible to researchers in other languages. The website is automatically updated when the user clicks on the updated link.

According to Google’s documentation on this subject:

“Google does not accept modified pages. Opening a page using translated results is similar to opening the original search results with Google Translate or using the Chrome browser. This ensures that JavaScript, as well as embedded images and other page features, are widely supported on the page. ”

This feature is great for publishers because it extends the reach of their website to more people.

Search Feature Available In More Languages/

Google SERP

Search function available in multiple languages

Google has updated its documentation to announce that search is now available in eight additional languages. The development provides automatic access to the extensive network for users who speak the following languages:

  • Arabic
  • Gujarati
  • Korean
  • Persian
  • Thai
  • Turkish
  • Urdu
  • Vietnamese

Why Did It Take So Long?

Google’s delay in offering translated search results in languages ​​such as Korean, Turkish, and Arabic has caused problems given the popularity of these languages. I asked Christopher Shin, an international SEO expert (LinkedIn Profile), to explain.

Christopher explained that Google is experiencing problems in South Korea due to the dominance of local sites such as Naver and Kakao (formerly Daum). However, it was a big turning point when Koreans returning from abroad realized the advantages of Google on the Internet in terms of their information abilities.

Additionally, the fact that large Korean companies such as Samsung and Hyundai are starting to prioritize global markets reveals the importance of Google for businesses in the future.

Naver continues to dominate shopping and reviews, but Google’s strength lies in answering specific questions. Christopher suggested that market priorities and the complexity of the Korean language, which includes the characters Hangeul and Hanja, contributed to the slow adoption of Google’s translated search results.

He said that although his team initially used Google Translate, they found Naver’s Papago worked well until tools like ChatGPT evolved to compete with Google.


2024 has been a challenging year for advertisers, marked by developments such as the AI ​​Brief, the 2024 Core Algorithm Update, and developments that cast a shadow over Google, such as the lack of video content on blogs.

But amid these challenges, the inclusion of additional language support in Google search results has changed and presents significant opportunities for publishers. It opens the door to content reaching a wider international audience than ever before.

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