Discover Moments with the Rebbe: JEM Face Recognition

Someone who remembers their time with the Rebbe is a precious gift.

JEM introduced new face recognition technology that makes it easier to search through half a million photos of interactions with the Rebbe.

Thirty Years Since Gimmel Tammuz

Thousands of people have memories of receiving a dollar from the Rebbe, participating in Kos Shel Bracha, or other personal interactions that were photographed.

It is very special to discover a new photograph from such a time.


New Technology

JEM is proud to add facial recognition to its website.

Users can upload photos and search their database to find similar faces.
With so many photos showing your interactions with the Rebbe, you’re likely to find something real.
How it works
  1. Photo Search: Take a full-length photo of you or your family with the Rebbe.
  2. To upload a photo: Go to [JEM Face Recognition Page] Link: Click now and upload your photo.
  3. Finding Results: The system automatically scans hundreds of thousands of photos and shows you photos that match the photo you sent.

Additional Features

You can share the results with your family or request a photocopy. The videos are still available and can be purchased.

Brings You Closer to the Rebbe

This new feature uses artificial intelligence to make the archives more accessible, allowing users to discover a special connection to the Rebbe they didn’t know about.

Work in Progress

The JEM technology team has worked hard to make this article better and easier to use.

Although still under development, it is now open to the public in honor of Gimmel Tammuz.

Free for one month and a special advantage for JEM members.

Current Limitations

The facial recognition function is still under development. The results and the entire photo gallery will continue to evolve.

It should still be 100% accurate, but JEM is committed to improving the technology and expanding the database.


Special thanks to Motti Hazan, Memke Schmukler, Levi Naki, Levik Shmotkin, Elchonon Korenblit and the entire technical team.

I also thank Rabbi Elkanah Shmotkin and Mendel Gourarie for their guidance.


JEM is committed to sharing the Rebbe with everyone. This new article is a testament to this commitment. Visit [JEM’s facial recognition page](Link: Click ) to recognize your time with the Rebbe.

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